Sunday, September 13, 2020

AMERICAN HEROES: In marking the 73rd anniversary of D-Day, here are photos from 1944, and how those same locations look today .Wishes on stars.

I wanted to make sure you saw this one because the global pandemic has hit a lot of people hard...  ..but here's a way to recover fast by selling stock assets that every single online business NEEDS:Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.

AMERICAN HEROES: In marking the 73rd anniversary of D-Day, here are photos from 1944, and how those same locations look today .Wishes on stars.

Sandy Shores, Walks On Beach, In To The Lights, Dances On Sands. Rite Turns.

Sometimes, I just hate Facebook, face-time, face to face, with pictures, of the good time, frogs, fish, plenty in the shadows of fools, snakes and freaks out at night. Like the format, like the groups, like the pictures, and the tips on stupid,dumb, simple and slow.AMERICAN HEROES: In marking the 73rd anniversary of D-Day, here are photos from 1944, and how those same locations look today .Wishes on stars.
There's a possibility that sometimes when we email you there will be links that we might earn commissions from. That fact has to be included in our emails to satisfy the rulers of the land. (or FTC peeps and their buddies)

They're only going to allow a certain amount of people to get in and then it's gone! ;-)  All The Best, Jason Oickle.Sometimes, I just hate Facebook, face-time, face to face, with pictures, of the good time, frogs, fish, plenty in the shadows of fools, snakes and freaks out at night. Like the format, like the groups, like the pictures, and the tips on stupid,dumb, simple and slow.

They're only going to allow a certain amount of people to get in and then it's gone! ;-)  All The Best, Jason Oickle.Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.

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The air was still and quiet, to frogs Jay and Gay Jarrot, and they sat together watching the cranes come in, and the flock of cranes looked so graceful all the time. So far three have returned, and more are in flight and ready to land. Home for them, and the frogs Jay and Gay were the marchlands, in Long beach, CA. For the frogs and the cranes, in the same pond or march with the green tree frogs, and worlds away. Birds like cranes are not friends with frogs, they choose not to play with their food, is the way, Starr and Cindy Best the cranes, while eating after landing.
The day was coming to a close, the sun was just about ready to set, and mark the end to another day. The night animals, that hunt at night were waking up, and singing songs the way they knew how. It was the best part of the day for the cranes, catching the frogs, toads, and snakes that were careless, and dinner was in process now. The air was getting cooler also, and the butterflies, alone with the bees were still out gather food for the long night ahead.
Rites of passages of the end of the day and the changing colors in the trees, and the shadows of the sun falling on the water. Some of the best colors to dance across the water, and the birds that are coming in for the night. There were over 100 different types of birds that live in the marches, and the frogs and toads have a army of more out in full force, and the songs of the different frogs last a long time. the tree frogs were the biggest group or army of frogs, Jay and Gay Jarrot, were members of that army, and louder than the other frogs.

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